Tuesday, October 11, 2011

We're starting to see some botrytis showing up in our Pinot Blanc. I'm not sure its all bad but we're going to try to keep it under control. Moderately botrytized Blanc can produce characteristic spice, but we have a ways to go before harvest so we can't let it go crazy yet.

Even the best vineyard practices can't keep the mold at bay in this rainy year. We are going to try an organic curative spray called OxiDate which is basically hydrogen peroxide. I've heard mixed reviews on the effectiveness of material and it is quite costly per acre so we'll be evaluating it pretty closely.

So far the other varietals seem to be fairing a little better. The flavors in the grapes are developing and the seeds are browning up. There is no doubt that we aren't going to see the sugars we'd like to this vintage if 23-24 brix are the optimum; most of the Willamette valley will be harvesting in 19-21 range this year. This doesn't mean we can't produce some great wines it just will take a lot more "wine-making" to do it. After all we saw some excellent wines in 2007 from a similarly cool wet harvest.

We're just hoping to hold on now till the sunny weather next week!

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